Sunday 29 January 2012

Day 2...

So it looks like me and most of the family are going to be no more... my mother, brother, and sister will stick by me, others I can't account for. I have seen another side of family, not that I'm going to call certain "people" that anymore, here are the people that are no more a relation to me -

  • my Nana (Jean) - openly claimed she didn't hear the key bit of information that makes me the one who who wasn't innocent, alluled I was selfish (far from it if I do say so myself) and his blindly sticking by her Son (my uncle) though I am her grandson, she says of course she stood stick by her son but I AM HER FUCKING GRANDSON. 80 year old or not she played a part in destroying this relationship. BYE
  • My Uncle Harry - obvious one here because he was the one argument was with, I can only assume in his 40+ years in this world nobody as ever stood up to him and he didn't like this "little bastard" standing up to him (his words where little bastard, if you saw me little is probably not the word you would use - I like my food!) even stood up all macho to me again today. FUCK FACE SELFISH BASTARD. BYE
  • My Auntie Lorraine - hypocrite, just plain and simple, she is good at pointing out the flaws in other people but what her own or that of her own family, and she as coasted on the same excuses for the past five FUCKING years now. BYE
  • My Cousin Gemma - Harry's daughter. WHAT A FUCKING RETARD, nearly 21 sounds and acts like a 13 year old. Caused havoc for other people by being selfish (acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.
I just wanted it recorded for posterity that this was when it went down, that this was the day I no longer considered these people my family. I feel like the villain and these people have turned somebody mild mannered into a wreck. Sorry for hijacking the usual KB, film or TV nature of the blog, but I couldn't help it.

And yes I am the Marilyn of our family...

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