Friday 30 December 2011

Movie Questionairre

These are just questions I took from random movie questionairres I found on the internet about movies and television, it might help you know what my tastes and that are. So here you go, feel free to take any of the questions for your own use.

Genre I most watch - I think it's probably comedy, or it's something with an element of comedy within in at least, it's the easiest to put on and have on if I doing something else.

Favourite Comedy - Airplane and Life Of Brian for just sheer amounts of laughs per minute, they are both also endlessly quotable and watchable.

Preferred way to watch movies - DVD first and foremost, I watch a couple of stuff online and a few things on broadcast television, but that's very rare. I only went to cinema once in 2011 and only a couple of times in 2010, not that I want to ignore it, it just shows how few I go.

Do I enjoy movies with a lot of gore? - kind of, zombie movies and brainless action are pretty cool in my book, but I haven't really got into the gorn thing - Hostel wasn't impressed with, Hostel II was not bad and haven't actually seen any of the Saw movies.

Favourite Horror Movie - it's gotta be The Shining. It's one of the few horror movies I watched in the dark the first time and had to turn the light on it was too unsettling (I was in my teens), I would say I've been saying The Shining is my favourite horror film since 1998.

What Films Do I Know Word For Word? - The original Star Wars trilogy just from watching them so much as a child and Gremlins for the same reason, in my adult life I would add True Romance to that thanks to a bunch of iconic scenes.

How Many DVDs Do I Own? - just over 3000 now, don't plan to stop for a few years, then who knows I'll readdress it.

What Are Some Films I Find Overrated? - The 2005 Crash, can't believe it ever got the Oscar for best movie it's just so emotionally manipulative, Brokeback Mountain which was up against it that year also is pretty average in my eyes.

What about underrated? - I think that's actually quite a difficult question to answer because with the world we live in today very web connected you can find fans of pretty much any film.

I'll add more questions in a bit

sources for questions - Kid On The Front Row blog, Empire Online Forum, Me

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